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O evento de Independencia de Cabo Verde 2018

Agradecemos a todos pela vossa precenca e participacao. A celebracao dos 43 anos da independencia de Cabo Verde organizada pelo grupo foi mais um vez um sucesso gracas a participacao de todos. Em um ambiente familiar, agradavel, divertido, e muito interessante em termos de informacao e conteudo para os interessados assim celebramos este dia tao importante para todos os Cabo Verdianos e amigos de Cabo Verde. O evento comecou com o hino de Cabo Verde e uma introducao sobre a historia da independencia de Cabo Verde apresentada pelas maravilhosas apresentadoras Cristina Cabral e Deusa Tavares. O publico deliciou-se com as actuacoes do grupo juvenil, que tem sido sempre as vedetas dos nossos eventos. Os adultos do grupo aventuraram-se a aprender uma danca coreografada e ensinada por 2 jovens do grupo juvenil e ganharam alguns aplausos calorosos do publico. Tambem foi bastante apreciado, uma exposicao de arte sobre a historia da independencia de Cabo Verde, trabalho magnifico das criancas do grupo. Filo e Djeni animaram bastante o publico cantanto musicas tradicionais de Cabo Verde. Contamos tambem com a participacao do Sr Maragomi um excelente tocador de gaita. A gastronomia das varias ilhas de Cabo Verde esteve bastante representada. E nao faltou o nosso grogue e ponche para animar o nosso dia… O nosso DJ Edson fechou o evento animando o publico com as suas baladas… Um muito obrigado A Sra Emilia e o Sr Joao pelo lindo guarda roupa com tecido Africano das criancas e jovens. Ne Cardoso tambem esteve no evento promovendo Cabo Verde com os seus productos. Muito obrigado pelo apoio. O cantinho dos jogos e arte foi tambem bastante popular entre as criancas e adultos. Sendo o jogo do Uril um dos favoritos entre os adultos… Um dia a recordar.


We Thank you all for your presence and participation. The celebration of the 43rd year of Independence of Cape Verde organised by the group was once again a big success thanks to the participation of everyone. In a familiar, nice, fun and interesting ambience in terms of information and content for the interested we celebrated this important day for all Cape Verdeans and friends of Cape Verde. The event started with the National anthem and an introduction based on the history of the independence of Cape Verde presented by our fabulous presenters Cristina Cabral and Deusa Tavares. The public was delighted with the activities of the youth group, which has always been the hallmarks of our events. The adults of the group ventured out to learn a choreographed dance taught by 2 people within the youth group and won warm applauses from the audience. There was also an art exhibition based on the history of Cape Verde’s independance day, a magnificent work of the children within the group. The public was encouraged to sing traditional songs from Cape Verde by musicians Filo and Djeni. We also had the participation of Mr Maragomi an excellent bagpiper. The food of the various islands of Cape Verde was well represented. And we did not miss our grog and punch to liven up our day…. Our DJ Edson closed the event animating the public with his songs….  A big thank you Mrs. Emilia and Mr. Joao for the beautiful wardrobe with African children’s fabric and young people. Ne Cardoso was also at the event promoting Cape Verde with his products. Thank you very much for your support. The corner of game’s and art was also quite popular with children and adults. As the game of Uril is a favourite among many adults ….  Overall it was a day to remember.

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